mark Posted July 26, 2024 Quote Share Posted July 26, 2024 查看文件 有素的心灵:家庭古典教育指南 The Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home (英文版) 书名:有素的心灵:家庭古典教育指南 The Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home 作者:[美]苏珊·怀斯·鲍尔 susan wise bauer 、 杰西·怀斯 Jessie Wise 内容简介: 您的孩子是否对教育体系感到迷茫、厌倦、失去了学习的热情?如果是这样,也许是时候亲自负责孩子的教育了。 《训练有素的心灵》将逐步指导您如何为孩子提供从学前到高中的严谨而全面的教育,培养他们的阅读、思考、理解能力,使他们全面发展并对学习充满好奇。资深家庭教育家 Susan Wise Bauer 和 Jessie Wise 概述了一种名为三学科的经典教育模式,该模式围绕儿童心智的成熟能力来组织学习,包括三个阶段:小学的“语法阶段”,通过记忆和规则吸收信息的构成要素;中学的“逻辑阶段”,学生开始更具分析性地思考;高中的“修辞阶段”,学生学习如何有力而独创地写作和演讲。以此理论为模型,您将能够指导您的孩子(无论是全日制还是作为课堂教育的补充)各个级别的阅读、写作、历史、地理、数学、科学、外语、修辞、逻辑、艺术和音乐,无论您自己在这些科目上的天赋如何。 成千上万的家长和教师已经使用了《训练有素的心灵》中描述的详细书单和方法,为他们照顾的孩子创造了真正优质的教育。这本经过广泛修订的第四版包含完全更新的课程和书单、一套全新的在线资源链接、关于教授学习困难儿童的新材料、前沿的数学和科学建议、关于家庭教育常见问题的答案,以及关于标准化测试、与当地学校董事会合作、设计高中课程、准备成绩单和申请大学等实际问题的建议。 您确实可以控制孩子学习的内容和方式。《训练有素的头脑》将为您提供所需的工具,让您自信而成功地教导孩子。 Is your child getting lost in the system, becoming bored, losing his or her natural eagerness to learn? If so, it may be time to take charge of your child’s education—by doing it yourself. The Well-Trained Mind will instruct you, step by step, on how to give your child an academically rigorous, comprehensive education from preschool through high school—one that will train him or her to read, to think, to understand, to be well-rounded and curious about learning. Veteran home educators Susan Wise Bauer and Jessie Wise outline the classical pattern of education called the trivium, which organizes learning around the maturing capacity of the child’s mind and comprises three stages: the elementary school “grammar stage,” when the building blocks of information are absorbed through memorization and rules; the middle school “logic stage,” in which the student begins to think more analytically; and the high-school “rhetoric stage,” where the student learns to write and speak with force and originality. Using this theory as your model, you’ll be able to instruct your child—whether full-time or as a supplement to classroom education—in all levels of reading, writing, history, geography, mathematics, science, foreign languages, rhetoric, logic, art, and music, regardless of your own aptitude in those subjects. Thousands of parents and teachers have already used the detailed book lists and methods described in The Well-Trained Mind to create a truly superior education for the children in their care. This extensively revised fourth edition contains completely updated curricula and book lists, links to an entirely new set of online resources, new material on teaching children with learning challenges, cutting-edge math and sciences recommendations, answers to common questions about home education, and advice on practical matters such as standardized testing, working with your local school board, designing a high-school program, preparing transcripts, and applying to colleges. You do have control over what and how your child learns. The Well-Trained Mind will give you the tools you’ll need to teach your child with confidence and success. 如果您是一位决定自己教育孩子的家长,那么这本书是您首先应该购买的。—《华盛顿时报》 对于希望在家中接受古典教育的家庭来说,这本教材无论是作为课程还是参考书,都是绝佳资源。—《教育自由出版社》 [Jessie Wise 和 Susan Wise Bauer] 著详尽、实用,提供了从幼儿园到 12 年级的详细课程,以及从拉丁语(一种不可或缺的语言)到互联网(“好坏参半”)等各方面的观点。—《纽约客》 家庭学校的 A 级评价……一本出色的信息汇编,旨在帮助在家教育孩子的父母给孩子提供传统的通识教育。—《城市日报》 这本书简单地讲述了当时还是一名学校老师的 Jessie 如何决定在家教育 Susan(现在在威廉玛丽学院教授文学)的故事,她于 1973 年将她和弟弟 Bob 带离了学校,因为当时家庭学校还没有得到社会认可和明确的法律制裁。但它不仅仅是一个好故事。它是一本令人大开眼界的书。—罗伯特·霍兰德,《里士满时报快报》 这本书在家庭学校社区中引发了一场革命。—《老校舍》 想要找到终极资源的家庭学校家长——或者对优秀补充材料感兴趣的传统学校孩子的家长——都建议仔细阅读 Wise and Wise Bauer 的经典家庭教育指南。—《Boox 评论》 一份无价的路线图。—《每日民主党报》 If you’re a parent who has decided to educate your children yourself, this book is the first you should buy.—Washington Times An excellent resource for any family with a desire to incorporate a classical education in their home, whether as a curriculum or as a reference.—Educational Freedom Press [Jessie Wise and Susan Wise Bauer] are thorough and pragmatic, offering a detailed curriculum for kindergarten through grade 12, as well as opinions on everything from Latin (an indispensable language) to the Internet (‘a mixed blessing’).—The New Yorker An A for Home Schooling…a remarkable compendium of information designed to help home-schooling parents give their children a traditional liberal education.—City Journal This book would be entertaining simply as the story of how Jessie, then a schoolteacher, decided to teach Susan, who now teaches literature at the College of William and Mary, at home—pulling her and brother Bob out of school in 1973 when home-schooling did not have social acceptance and explicit legal sanction. But it’s so much more than a good yarn. It’s a mind-stretching tome.—Robert Holland, Richmond Times Dispatch This book has caused a revolution within the homeschool community.—The Old Schoolhouse Homeschooling parents on a mission to find the ultimate resource—or parents of traditionally-schooled children interested in an excellent supplement—are all well advised to peruse the pages of Wise and Wise Bauer’s classy guide to classical education at home.—Boox Review An invaluable road map.—Daily Democrat 作者简介: 苏珊·怀斯·鲍尔是畅销书《世界的故事》系列、《世界的历史》系列、《训练有素的头脑》和《受过良好教育的头脑》等作品的作者。她住在弗吉尼亚州。 Susan Wise Bauer is the best-selling author of the Story of the World series, The History of the World series, The Well-Trained Mind, and The Well-Educated Mind, among other works. She lives in Virginia. 苏珊出生于 1968 年,在弗吉尼亚州长大,由开拓者父母在家中教育,当时家庭教育还闻所未闻。她曾是一名职业音乐家,在威廉斯堡殖民地穿过戏服,与巡回戏剧团一起巡回演出,在弗吉尼亚赛马场上策马驰骋,教骑马,从事广播和报纸广告销售工作,学会了足够的韩语来教一名四岁的韩国儿童主日学校,并担任弗吉尼亚州威廉斯堡丽塔威尔士成人扫盲中心的图书管理员和阅读导师。 在她平淡无奇的成年生活中,她获得了文学硕士、神学硕士和博士学位。过去 16 年,她在弗吉尼亚州威廉玛丽学院任教。苏珊已婚,是四个孩子的母亲。 苏珊最近为诺顿出版的一本书《西方科学的故事:从亚里士多德的著作到大爆炸理论》(2015 年)引导我们回到改变了我们对世界、宇宙和我们自己的看法的原始文本! 她的上一本书《受过良好教育的心灵:你从未接受过的古典教育指南》(2003 年)是一本阅读小说、诗歌、历史、自传和戏剧经典作品的指南。诺顿还出版了《受过良好教育的心灵:家庭古典教育指南》(与合著者杰西·怀斯合著);这本畅销的古典传统教育指南最初出版于 1999 年,于 2004 年和 2009 年进行了修订和更新。 苏珊为 Peace Hill Press 撰写了四卷儿童世界历史系列丛书《世界的故事》。第一卷《古代》于 2002 年出版(修订版 2006 年);第二卷《中世纪》于 2003 年出版(修订版 2007 年);第三卷《近代早期》于 2004 年出版。最后一卷《现代》于 2006 年出版。她还编写了畅销的初级写作课程《轻松写作》。 Is your child getting lost in the system, becoming bored, losing his or her natural eagerness to learn? If so, it may be time to take charge of your child’s education—by doing it yourself. The Well-Trained Mind will instruct you, step by step, on how to give your child an academically rigorous, comprehensive education from preschool through high school—one that will train him or her to read, to think, to understand, to be well-rounded and curious about learning. Veteran home educators Susan Wise Bauer and Jessie Wise outline the classical pattern of education called the trivium, which organizes learning around the maturing capacity of the child’s mind and comprises three stages: the elementary school “grammar stage,” when the building blocks of information are absorbed through memorization and rules; the middle school “logic stage,” in which the student begins to think more analytically; and the high-school “rhetoric stage,” where the student learns to write and speak with force and originality. Using this theory as your model, you’ll be able to instruct your child—whether full-time or as a supplement to classroom education—in all levels of reading, writing, history, geography, mathematics, science, foreign languages, rhetoric, logic, art, and music, regardless of your own aptitude in those subjects. Thousands of parents and teachers have already used the detailed book lists and methods described in The Well-Trained Mind to create a truly superior education for the children in their care. This extensively revised fourth edition contains completely updated curricula and book lists, links to an entirely new set of online resources, new material on teaching children with learning challenges, cutting-edge math and sciences recommendations, answers to common questions about home education, and advice on practical matters such as standardized testing, working with your local school board, designing a high-school program, preparing transcripts, and applying to colleges. You do have control over what and how your child learns. The Well-Trained Mind will give you the tools you’ll need to teach your child with confidence and success. 杰西·怀斯曾是一名教师,现在是一名家庭教育顾问、演讲者和作家。她拥有数十年的课堂教师、小学校长、私人教师和教育顾问经验,是畅销书《训练有素的头脑》和开创性小学语法教材《训练有素的头脑的第一语言课程》的合著者。她住在弗吉尼亚州查尔斯城。 Jessie Wise, a former teacher, is a home education consultant, speaker, and writer. She has decades of experience as a classroom teacher, elementary school principal, private tutor, and educational consultant, and is the co-author of the best-selling The Well-Trained Mind and the groundbreaking elementary grammar text First Language Lessons for the Well-Trained Mind. She lives in Charles City, Virginia. 目 录: 有素的心灵:家庭古典教育指南 The Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home (访问密码: x1gX) 提交者 mark 提交于 2024年07月26日 类别 儿童 网址 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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